Dear Ann Landers,
have a 5- month-old son and things are back to normal now but the first four months were a nightmare. Why? Because al-most every day four or five sets of friends and relatives came to visit. Some didn't even call first. My mother-in-law brought over a woman I barely knew. She told me how she had developed complications while nursing her baby and almost lost her breast. (A great story for a young mother just getting started.) Another woman brought her young child along and after an hour said, "I really ought to take Billy home. He had a 102 tem-perature this morning. I'm afraid he's coming down with something." The constant round of company made me nervous. The baby became cranky and my husband and I started picking at each other. We realize now we were fools to let thoughtless people do this to us. It's too late for now, but next time we'll know better. MAD IN MOR-TON