Dear Ann Landers,
don't think my new husband is very sensitive to my feelings. He insists on calling me "Babe" instead of using my real name. He calls me Babe when he phones from his office. He refers to me as Babe in conversations with others and I'm Babe when we're in bed. "Jay" has been married before-three times. I often wonder if he called his other wives Babe as well. Tii f II f si ii f Ah La\\ ii f its I 3 Ii 7 Every time he calls me Babe, I have the feeling that he can't remem-ber my name, or I wonder if it's because he doesn't want to get mixed up and call me by the name of one of his ex-wives. I've asked him sev-eral times to please call me Jane, but it hasn't done one bit of good. What do you make of this, Ann? Am I super sensitive or what? Should I keep harping on this or shut up? -Babe No. 4 in Virginia