Dear Ann Landers,
am twenty and have been married four years. My husband (who is twenty-six) has been having an affair with a sixteen-year-old girl. She used to sit with our children but I stopped calling her when I suspected something was going on. When I found some love letters from her in my husband's shirt pocket (she had mailed them to his office), I 197 invited her to come over for a talk. She was very contrite (almost pathetic) and eager to do the right thing. She prom-ised never to see my husband again. Well, she is seeing him, almost every night, and I don't know what to do. I can't get a straight sentence out of him. He is the world's biggest liar. Our religion allows only one marriage and this is it-lousy or not. The girl is underage, and I'd like to know if I can do anything legal to break this up.-Comsilk