Dear Ann Landers,
am not a hippie or a far-out creep with long hair and sandals. I attend a good Eastern school and am a law-abiding, peace-loving citizen. I want to ask a serious question and I need a direct answer. Is marihuana dangerous? Many of my friends smoke pot and have advanced some good arguments in favor of it. They claim pot gives them a high feeling but no hangover like alcohol. They insist it is not physically addictive and a person can quit without experienc-ing withdrawal symptoms. No one I know who smokes pot will admit to taking anything stronger. This discounts the theory that pot smokers often go on to other stuff. They say the only thing wrong with pot is that it is illegal, and the law will soon be changed. I have never used pot, but I confess the idea is somewhat appealing. Perhaps your answer will help me decide. It may also be useful for some of my pot-smoking friends, including my fiancee.-Undecided