Dear Ann Landers,
Your let-ter is strong testimony that experience is the best of all teachers. I find it interesting that 90 per cent of the letters I receive pertaining to in-law problems are complaints against the mother-in-law-not the father-in- law. And 80 per cent of the mother-in- law beefs are against the husband's mother-not the wife's. Insomnia BED TROUBLE DEAR ANN: My husband dared me to write you this letter. Our problem is not unique. It is one shared by thou-sands of women. My kids won't let me sleep days and my husband keeps me up nights. I'm tired all the time. He's a restless sleeper, thrashes around continuously, takes his half of the bed out of the middle, wraps himself in the blankets and leaves me shivering. I've begged for twin beds but he insists the double bed is the cornerstone of a happy mar-riage. What do you suggest? BEAT BEVERLY