Dear Ann Landers,
'm bored with all that stuff and non-sense in your column about the glories of parenthood. You won't print this letter because it slaughters a sacred cow, but some couples, believe it or not, don't want children and we are among them. My husband and I have enjoyed forty grand years together. The notion that children are a comfort to parents in their sunset years is horse feathers. We have many friends who are in financial straitjackets because of their chil-dren. My sister and her husband were never able to go to Europe or buy a new car because their children have been on their backs all their lives. My brother's wife passed away last October, and their four children have been fighting ever since about who should take the old man in. The truth is, nobody wants him. Whenever we spend an evening with our relatives, we go home and congratulate each other.-Just Us And Glad Of It