Dear Ann Landers,
'm a 20-year-old college sophomore who lives in a coed dorm with 300 other students. Last year, I met a really neat guy from another school at a party. I made the mistake of sleeping with him on the first date. I thought he liked me a lot and would ask me out again. I was wrong. I'm sure he considered me a pushover. I wish I could chalk this up to experience and forget it, but I can't. He gave me genital warts. Ann, I'd never even heard of genital warts, but now I've become an expert. It's one of the most common sexually transmitted diseases around. Too bad it doesn't make the headlines like AIDS, though it is WAKE UP AND SMELL EH E CIIFEEE! 7 7 highly contagious. You can use a condom and still get genital warts. Once you have the virus, it is in your system for years. Without treat-ment these warts can cause cellular changes that could progress to cer-vical cancer. If you're pregnant, you can pass the virus on to your unborn child. Ann, I'm scared to death. I can't concentrate on school. I'd give any-thing to be healthy again. My folks are supportive and I'm thankful for that. And what about the guy I was with? He's out there, still scoring. I don't care what happens to him, which is not very nice, but I feel sorry for the girl he will probably charm the pants off of this weekend. Please tell your readers that this disease is serious stuff. It can be deadly. No sex is worth the price I'm paying. -Hurting Alone