Dear Ann Landers,
uring the Carter administration, I decided to collect peanuts as memorabilia of the president. I have now nearly 350 pounds of peanuts from the Carter years. Since I didn't get started until some time after he became president, I have only 26 pounds of 1977 peanuts, but I have more than 100 pounds for each of the years 1978,1979 and 1980. My thought was that these peanuts would in time become very valu-able to collectors on the lookout for interesting remembrances of past presidents. I have had little bags printed with President Carter's pic-ture on them and the year of the peanuts. Each bag holds approximately 2 ounces. For those who want some-thing special, one of my neighbors has embroidered some lovely cloth bags with President Carter's full name and the date the peanuts were packaged. Recently, the price of peanuts (and peanut butter) has skyrocketed. I could make a very nice profit on my peanuts if I sold them at today's prices. Frankly, I could use the money. However, I have really gotten attached to them. Please tell me what to do. -Collector in Modesto