Dear Ann Landers,
which way a person should position the toilet paper when replacing a finished roll. I always place a new roll in the "over" dispensing position and have been known to reverse an "under" roll if someone in my household puts it that way. Anyone who believes this issue is silly is mistaken. As a student at Union County College in New Jersey, I began doing a radio show on campus. Just for fun, I decided to take a poll-with score sheet in hand-at school, at my place of part-time employment, and every-where I roamed. What I found was amazing. After polling several hundred people, the results are as follows: 51 percent preferred "over," 37 percent preferred "under," and 12 percent didn't care as long as it was there. Even though many people laughed when they were asked, most had a strong preference and responded immediately. I'd like to share some of the reasons people gave to justify their pref-erences. They said things such as: "When the paper goes 'over,' it is easier to employ the 'hit and spin' technique." "I hang mine 'over' so it doesn't touch the wall." "I like it 'under' because then it rests against the wall, out of the way." "You will use less paper if you put it 'under,' especially if you have small children or pets." ANN LANDERS One respondent said, " 'Over' people are lazy. It takes more effort to reach when the paper is 'under.' " Several respondents related stories of family arguments at the din-ner table. I was told that there was actually an episode of All in the Family where Archie yells at Michael for putting the paper "under." I had a lot of fun with my survey and wanted you to know that after all these years, it's still a topic of discussion.