Dear Ann Landers,
merican women love money, but they scream their heads off when their husbands do what is re-quired to pay for the big home, the second car, vacations, and 128 the better things in life. Business is murderously competitive. An executive needs eyes in the back of his head to see who is trying to knife him. Organizational footwork can leave a guy completely drained. So what happens? He comes home ex-hausted, and his wife considers it a personal insult if he doesn't become instantly aroused at the sight of her bending over the kitchen sink. If she should suggest something and he says he's too tired, she locks herself in the bathroom and cries for two hours. She is positive (a) he no longer loves her, (b) her life as a woman is finished, (c) he has another dame. Why is it that a woman has the bom right to be too tired, but a man- never! So what happens to the husband who struggles to get ahead and isn't sure he's making it? His wife lets him know he isn't making it at home either, and he becomes doubly de-pressed. More conflict, more guilt, more anxiety, and finally total incapacitation. You won't print this letter, but I feel better for having written it. Now you can throw it on the floor, Babe. Thanks.-Wall Street Warrior