Dear Ann Landers,
ll my life, people have asked me if I'm of mixed race. The Best ii f A v \\ L a h ii e ii s At the age of 35, I'm ready to find the answer to that question. My parents separated immediately after I was born. My father in-sists that when he was away on a Navy assignment, my mother had an affair. I am deeply hurt that he does not believe I am his biological daughter. I approached my mother about this several months ago because I have many physical characteristics that are clearly biracial. She became very angry and cursed me for raising such an "insulting" question. Since that time, our relationship has been very tense. I'm afraid if I bring up the subject again, she may stop talking to me permanently. I want to end this estrangement, Ann, but I also want to know the truth. Am I blowing this out of proportion? What can I do? -No Name, No City