Dear Ann Landers,
bout three months ago I hired the daughter of a friend to do secretarial work. She's a poor typist, handles the phone poorly, can't spell, and she has never heard of the comma. "Lady Astor" came in late three mornings last week and takes three hours for lunch. Her father has done me many favors and I value his friendship. He would be very unhappy if I fired her. He believes she is brilliant and has told me repeatedly that she loves her job. Please answer in the paper. The moron opens my mail.-In A Spot
Dear Spot,
You have on your payroll a girl who can't spell, type, or handle the phone, comes in late and takes three hours for lunch. And you call her a moron? Give "Lady Astor" her walking papers. A friendship that hinges on keeping an in-competent relative isn't worth worrying about. 96 am a genuine Indian princess. I was christened "Ann Many Smokes" by William Walkingstick, head of the Seminole Apache tribe in Los Angeles. \\ fine name for a girl who doesn't smoke!) (Los Angeles Herald Examiner) When I spoke at Mission High School in San Francisco in 1967, the ROT put on a dress parade for me-the highest honor they can bestow upon guest. Here I am with the honor guard. (San Francisco Examiner) 've visited thousands of soldiers in Vietnam hospitals. (Saul Lockhart, impire News) I went to Russia in 1959, studied the language before I left. When I got back I wrote a series of articles on life among the Russians. (Ludmilla Shapiro) make about a hundred speeches a year. Here I am in Evansville, Indiana, at eir annual Chamber of Commerce banquet. (Doug Jones, Look) When I spoke at the Channel City Club (Men's Group) in Santa Barbar; the Channel City Women's Forum picketed me-all in fun, of coursi (Santa Barbara News-Press) My staff. (Dwayne Hall, Sun-Times) le, my husband, and our three grandchildren-Andrea, Abra, and Adam 'oleman. (Jack Clenahan, Sun-Times) Here I am with Hubert Humphrey, Philip Klutznick of the United Natior and cartoonist Bill Mauldin. (Ralph Arvidson, Sun-Times)