Dear Ann Landers,
"If you had 2 II I ANN l \\ \\ 1)111 S it to do over again, would you marry the person to whom you are now married?" Sign us -Eager to Know Dear Eager: At least a hundred others have written to ask for the same survey. So here's the question and some specific instructions. Please answer the question: "If you had it to do over again, would you marry the person to whom you are now married?" Use postcards, if possible. Write either yes or no. State whether you are male or female-and the number of years you have been married. Sample: Dear Ann: Yes-Female-35. I will print the results as soon as I get them. That letter ran on Valentine's Day of 1977. Within 10 days, my office was bombarded with more than 50,000 pieces of mail, and letters continued to pour in for weeks after. The results were published on March 28, 1977.