Dear Ann Landers,
��Wiser" makes a good case for not wearing un-derpants to bed. Cystitis among women is extremely common at all ages. It is gener-ally accepted that the reason for this is the relatively poor tissue defense The II e st he Ah Lan ii e iis mechanisms and the tendency for bacteria to colonize in the moist areas of the genitalia. Bubble baths, sexual activity, the use of sanitary napkins and tam-pons, and the wearing of underpants to bed may be suspect in a patient who develops recurring lower-urinary-tract infections. Perhaps urologists have not been as aware as they should be of the higher incidence of cystitis among women who wear underpants to bed. It certainly would seem that underpants would favor the growth and migration of bacteria among women who have a tendency to have bacteria colonize in the genital area. Incidentally, I am sure your male readers will be pleased to receive this news. Sincerely yours, -Joe Kaufman, M.D.